I was craving buko (coconut) pie that I miss from the Philippines. I decided to ask the Facebook Food group I'm part of for recommendation, and the first person to send me a message and picture is Ruby Dacanay.
Buko Pie in Vancouver from Ruby
The buko pie is delicious! It's more buko than sugary filling, which I love. The crust is flaky, and it just crumbles.
Buko Pie
I sliced the buko pie. My skills need some work.
Look at the layers of coconut.
Egg Pie in Vancouver
The egg pie is not overly sweet, creamy, and delicious.
Egg Pie
Egg Pie
Egg Pie slice
I can't wait to bring this to Richmond tomorrow. Be sure to send Ruby Dacanay a message on Facebook to order a buko and egg pie.