Saturday, July 3, 2021

Mr. Arancino at Thank Granville It's Food trucks (TGIF)

The South Granville Business Improvement Association (SGBIA) organized Thank Granville It's Food Trucks (TGIF). Every Friday and Saturday from 11 in the morning until 8 in the evening from June through Labour Day, there will be a rotating lineup of food trucks located along West 10th Avenue at Fir Street in front of the Vancouver School Board building.

Buon Sabato! Happy Saturday!

Today is Pokémon GO Community Day which means we're going to play from 11 AM to 5 PM. The nearest park from our home now has four Pokestops that you can reach in one spot, so we're happy to hang out here with the five different food trucks in the area.

Mr. Arancino

Mr. Arancino is not the name of a person. If you want the story behind the food truck's name, you need to check this page on their website. Mr. Arancino specializes in one item only - Sicilian Risotto Balls (arancini) with different filling.

I went bonkers on their menu and ordered two of each flavour they have available today so that I can make a recommendation on which one I like best.



Vegetarian Arancini

For today, they have three Vegetarian Arancini - vegetable ragu, spinach, and cheese. Because I ordered so much, the nice Mr. Arancino offered me a couple of the new arancini flavour he's testing - Thai Curry. He mentioned that he's working with another food truck, Super Thai, in its flavour and promotion when they release it.

Cheese Arancini
Menu Description: Vegetarian. Called “arancini al burro” in Sicily. For those who love melted cheese, these. Mozza-filled arancini are simple and delicious!

Cheese Arancini is my favourite. If you're going to get only one get this one. It blends perfectly well with the tomato-based sauce.

Spinach Arancini
Menu Description: Vegetarian. Another favourite with Sicilians. This creamy spinach and Mozza filled arancino pairs the goodness of spinach with delectable risotto rice.

It's creamy for sure, but I still prefer the Cheese Arancini. I am unsure if it's not creamy enough, but I feel like the Spinach is lacking in flavour.

Vegetable Ragu Arancini
Menu Description: Vegetarian. All the deliciousness of the traditional beef ragu arancini without the meat. Fresh Mozza in the middle included.

I prefer the Beef Ragu. It tasted better than the Vegetable Ragu Arancini, but if you're a vegetarian, this is definitely a solid option.

Special not-yet-released item: Curry Arancini

I love curry! The number one on my list is Japanese curry, and the second is Thai curry. This is a vegetarian Thai curry with mushrooms. I enjoyed this (maybe not as much as the cheese), and please don't dip it in the tomato sauce. Eating this is like eating Thai curry and crispy rice. The coconut is the most pronounced flavour.

Meat Arancini

They have three meat flavours for today - Salmon, Beef Ragu, and a Savory Special, which is bacon.

Menu Description: Our traditional risotto ball is filled with wild pink salmon prepared in a sweet and tangy seafood sauce. Don’t like fish? These will change your mind!

I love salmon, and this has a good salmon flavour, but I don't like salmon in arancini.

Savoury Special: Bacon

This is the most "loose" of all the flavours we tried. What I meant is that the bacon is falling out of the ball.

Beef Ragu
Menu Description: Delicious risotto rice surrounding a traditional Sicilian ground beef ragu and gooey fresh Mozza center. A taste straight from the streets of Sicily.

This is so delicious. The Beef Ragu and Cheese are the two flavours I will be ordering again!

Mr. Arancino menu of the day

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