Sunday, September 17, 2023

Chocoholic Cheesecake from Trees Organic

We're a creature of habit. After having lunch at Suika, we always go to nearby Trees Organic at their West Broadway and Fir Street location.

We have tried most of their flavours and one of the few classic flavours left is the Chocoholic Cheesecake.

Chocoholic Cheesecake from Trees Organic

I love the smooth creamy texture of cheesecake as it is a great contrast to the chocolate crumb crust. Adding milk and dark chocolate to the cheesecake is a chocolate lovers dream.

List of Seasonal Cheesecake from Trees Cheesecake + Organic Coffee

Below is a list of the seasonal cheesecakes we have tried from Trees arranged alphabetically.

List of Cheesecake from Trees Cheesecake + Organic Coffee

Below is a list of cheesecakes from Trees that are always available.

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