Saturday, October 14, 2023

Quick Lunch from Pret A Manger

Sigh. Poor attention to detail on my part led to the mishap of all travel mishaps. My husband and I arrived at Warner Bros Studios, and when the muggle scanned my ticket, she said, "Oh honey, this is for tomorrow." My heart broke at my mistake. I am grateful for my husband. He's been patient and understanding through the whole ordeal.

Thankfully, we can easily swap our plans tomorrow for today. After the initial shock, we returned to the city and went straight to the Royal Observatory, then the Tower of London.

Before entering the Tower of London, we grabbed a quick lunch at Pret A Manager. The best thing is the chocolate croissant. Yum!

The two wraps were all right, and the soup was comforting but slightly bland.

Pret's Lasagne Soup

Chocolate Croissant from Pret A Manger

Swedish Meatball Hot Wrap from Pret A Manger

Falafel & Halloumi Hot Wrap from Pret A Manger

Pret A Manger is like the Tim Hortons of the UK. They're everywhere! The food is bland but definitely healthier than Tim's.

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