Sunday, January 14, 2024

Bear With Me hot chocolate from Nuttea | 2024 Greater Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival

It's the first weekend of the 14th Annual Greater Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival, where chocolate enthusiasts gather to indulge in the city's finest and most innovative hot chocolate creations. After Mass, we walked to Nuttea, one of the new participating venues in the festival. We chose their unique concoction, "Bear With Me."

Nuttea has masterfully crafted a remarkable brown sugar ginger hot chocolate that takes center stage with its bold and invigorating gingery flavour. The infusion of brown sugar adds a rich sweetness, creating a perfect balance that enhances the overall taste experience. Adding a luscious nut cream provides a delightful nutty undertone, elevating the cocoa to new heights.

As you take each sip of "Bear With Me," the robust and spicy notes of ginger dance on your palate, leaving a warm and comforting sensation. The vegan butter cookie serves as a delightful accompaniment, adding a touch of sweetness and crunch that complements the boldness of the ginger-infused hot chocolate.

Bear With Me from Nuttea
Brown sugar ginger hot chocolate with nut cream.
Served with a vegan butter cookie and vegan dark chocolate truffle.

The Greater Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival continues to be a haven for chocolate lovers, providing a platform for local establishments like Nuttea to showcase their creativity and mastery in crafting the perfect cup of hot chocolate.

After Nuttea, we walked to Beaucoup Bakery on Fir Street, but their hot chocolate was already sold out. Then, we went to Fufú Café, and the wait was more than an hour, so we decided to head home instead. This is the post with a list of 12 hot chocolates we tried last year.

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