Thursday, February 15, 2024

Special Vermicelli from Pholicious

Winter days in Vancouver demand comforting, soul-warming meals. And what better way to enjoy a company-sponsored weekly team lunch than with delicious Vietnamese cuisine? This week's theme couldn't have been more perfect, and our destination was the delightful Pholicious in Downtown Vancouver.

While my colleagues opted for the classic pho, the chill air had me craving something different. Intrigued by the Special Vermicelli, I decided to give it a try. Grilled chicken, savoury minced pork, and fresh spring rolls promised a flavour fiesta, perfectly nestled atop a bed of fluffy rice. As a proud Filipino, I couldn't resist requesting the customary rice swap, knowing it would complement the dish beautifully.

Special Vermicelli from Pholicious

Paired with freshly squeezed orange juice bursting with Vitamin C, my lunch was a delightful balance of sweet, savoury, and refreshing flavours. Each bite was a satisfying combination of textures – the tender meats, the crisp spring rolls, and the fluffy rice – providing a symphony of culinary joy.

As we savoured our meals and chatted amongst colleagues, the warmth of the food and the company created a cozy atmosphere, defying the winter chill outside. It was a reminder that even amidst busy work schedules, moments like these, filled with shared experiences and delicious food, are extraordinary.

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