Friday, May 24, 2024

Migas Taco from Veracruz All Natural

Happy Friday! We're in Austin, and my husband's event has just wrapped up, so we have the next couple of days free to explore the city.

We started our day with some incredible breakfast tacos from Veracruz All Natural. Their Migas Tacos were terrific - fresh corn tortillas overflowing with fluffy eggs, melty Monterey Jack cheese, crisp tortilla chips, juicy tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and creamy avocado.

El Breakfast Taco from Veracruz All Natural 

We also tried the El Breakfast Taco, a heartier option packed with savoury bacon, refried pinto beans, and tender potatoes. As a big fan of beans and potatoes, this one was a winner.

Migas Taco from Veracruz All Natural

After breakfast, we're fueling up for some sightseeing with a one-kilometre walk to the iconic Texas Capitol.

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