Thursday, June 13, 2024

Little Nachos from Browns Socialhouse for Sunny Patio Lunch

Happy Thursday! Our team lunch theme this week was Malaysian, but with our HR visiting all the way from Melbourne, Australia, we opted for a classic spot – Browns Socialhouse near the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so we snagged a table on the beautiful patio. It was the perfect setting for a casual gathering, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the fresh air.

For lunch, I decided on my all-time favourite – nachos! Luckily, Browns offers a "Little Nachos" option, perfect for a lighter meal. These are your average, run-of-the-mill nachos. The chips were piled wide with a delicious combination of fresh ingredients.

Little Nachos from Browns Socialhouse
Corn, black beans, jalapeño, cilantro, jack cheddar cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream, and guacamole

The base consisted of crispy tortilla chips, the perfect foundation for all the goodness. A layer of sweet corn and earthy black beans added a touch of sweetness and heartiness. Slices of fresh jalapeño kicked things up a notch with a pleasant heat, balanced by the cool and refreshing pico de gallo.

Little Nachos from Browns Socialhouse
Corn, black beans, jalapeño, cilantro, jack cheddar cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream, and guacamole

Jack cheddar cheese, melted to gooey perfection, tied everything together with a sharp and creamy flavour. Then came the real stars of the show: dollops of cool sour cream and creamy guacamole. The coolness of the sour cream cut through the richness of the cheese, while the creamy guacamole added a burst of fresh avocado flavour. Finally, a sprinkle of fresh cilantro added a vibrant, citrusy finish.

Even though our lunch theme wasn't Malaysian, Browns Socialhouse delivered a classic and satisfying meal. The "Little Nachos" were the perfect size for a lighter lunch while satisfying my nacho craving.

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