Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam from Tim Hortons

Struggling with the bitterness of cold brew? You're not alone! I find cold brew too harsh. If you, like me, have sworn off cold brew in the past, then this post is for you!

This morning, I ventured into Tim Hortons with a hopeful heart (and a rumbling stomach). Having previously disliked cold brew for its bitterness, I was hesitant. But then I saw it: The Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam. Could this be the answer to my cold brew woes?

Sweet Success! A Cold Brew Revelation

The first sip was a delightful surprise! The bitterness I usually associate with cold brew was completely masked by the sweet and creamy tiramisu flavors. It was like drinking an iced tiramisu latte! My tastebuds were singing, and even my skeptical husband had to admit it was delicious.

A Second Cup Surprise: Unveiling the Coffee

Now, here's the interesting part. We enjoyed our first cup so much, we decided to grab another. This second cup offered a delightful surprise. The initial sweetness gave way to a subtle coffee flavor – the familiar taste of cold brew, but softened by the lingering tiramisu notes. It was a delightful dance on the palate!

Daily-Worthy Delight: A Cold Brew Convert is Born!

Gone are the days of avoiding cold brew! The Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam has transformed me from a cold brew skeptic to a full-fledged fan. The perfect balance of sweetness and coffee makes it a drink I could easily enjoy every day.

Looking for a delicious and approachable cold brew experience? Head to your local Tim Hortons and give the Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam a try! You might just be surprised at how much you love it.

Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam from Tim Hortons

Tiramisu Cold Brew with Espresso Infused Foam from Tim Hortons

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