Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hawaii Shrimp Fries from KYU Grill: A Perfect Finale

Our Celebration of Lights adventure wouldn't have been complete without a stop at KYU Grill. This food truck's unique Japanese-Hawaiian fusion cuisine was the perfect way to cap off the evening.

The Hawaii Shrimp Frites were an absolute dream. The crispy shrimp were perfectly cooked, and the fries, though softened by the delicious sauces, were incredibly flavourful. The combination of spicy mayo, pineapple corn salsa, and mango sauce created an explosion of taste in every bite. It was the ideal dish to enjoy as the sun dipped below the horizon and the fireworks illuminated the night sky.

Hawaii Shrimp Frites from KYU Grill food truck
Signature crispy frites, spicy mayo, pineapple corn salsa, mango sauce, green onions, crispy shrimp, and sesame

The Celebration of Lights is more than just a fireworks display; it's a quintessential Vancouver summer experience. The synchronized fireworks and music created a magical atmosphere, and the crowd's energy was infectious. As the show came to a close, we joined the throngs of people making their way along Beach Avenue, the city alive with excitement. Our evening concluded with a leisurely stroll across the Burrard Bridge, a perfect end to a memorable night.

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