Sunday, July 14, 2024

Maple Bacon Cheddar Croissant and Maple Bacon Bagel BELT from Tim Hortons

Tim Hortons brings back the beloved maple bacon and this year, it graces not just one but two breakfast options: the Maple Bacon Cheddar Croissant and the Maple Bacon Bagel BELT.

Maple Bacon Cheddar Croissant

The maple bacon is the star of the show, boasting a sweetness that lingers on the palate. This sweet element meets its match in the buttery layers of the croissant, creating a textural symphony. The melty cheddar cheese adds a touch of saltiness, rounding out the flavour profile.

Maple Bacon Cheddar Croissant from Tim Hortons

Maple Bacon Bagel BELT

The Maple Bacon Bagel BELT starts with a classic – the everything bagel. Toasted to perfection, the bagel offers a delightful chew on the outside and a soft, doughy center. The fresh lettuce and juicy tomato add pops of colour and freshness, providing a welcome contrast to the sweet maple bacon.

Maple Bacon Bagel BELT from Tim Hortons

The Maple Bacon Cheddar Croissant and the Maple Bacon Bagel BELT are delicious. The croissant provides a luxurious eating experience, while the bagel BELT offers classic breakfast flavours with a sweet twist. Ultimately, the winner depends on your preference.

Craving a decadent and textural adventure? Go for the croissant. Looking for a familiar favourite with a sweet surprise? The bagel BELT awaits. No matter your choice, Tim Hortons' maple bacon breakfast is sure to satisfy your sweet and savoury cravings.

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