Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rendang Sapi and Es Cendol from Bali Bites food truck

This week's company lunch transported us to the vibrant flavours of Indonesia! It all started last week with a team photo during our WA-BAGEL lunch. Little did we know, a Bali Bites food truck served as our backdrop, sparking curiosity among our Australian colleagues with its intriguing name and the image of a Komodo dragon. Inspired by this serendipitous encounter, a colleague chose Indonesian cuisine for our lunch today.

Our lunch adventure took us near the Park Place building, where the Bali Bites truck awaited. Having spent the past few nights wrestling with the question of "one Indonesian meal to rule them all," I had consulted Gemini. It provided a shortlist of four iconic dishes, each with a brief description - rendang is top of the list!

With this information, I chose Rendang Sapi, a dry curry beef brisket, from the Bali Bites menu. This dish served medium-spiced, featured melt-in-your-mouth beef nestled alongside tender potatoes. The star of the show, however, was the rich and flavorful curry sauce, which had me wanting just a touch more. But that's a minor quibble in the face of such a delightful meal.

Rendang Sapi (Dry Curry Beef Brisket) from Bali Bites food truck
Medium spiced tender beef brisket and potato, served with white rice and topped with fried onions

To complement the warmth of the rendang, I opted for my all-time favourite Indonesian drink: Cendol. This refreshing beverage, a rare find these days, brought back fond memories of Singapore over a decade ago. The perfect marriage of shaved ice, coconut milk, palm sugar, and green jelly noodles, Cendol was a delightful way to cool down on a hot summer day.

Es Cendol from Bali Bites food truck

Overall, this Indonesian lunch was a delightful exploration of flavours and textures. The rendang's tender meat, rich curry, and cool and refreshing Cendol created a truly satisfying and memorable dining experience.

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