Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tomato and Mozzarella Baguette Sandwich from PAUL Le Café

It’s a beautiful Thursday with plenty of sunshine and a company-paid lunch to look forward to. With the 2024 Summer Olympics happening in Paris, our team decided that the theme would be the iconic baguette.

Beautiful Baguette Sandwiches from PAUL Le Café

We’re lucky to have PAUL Le Café, a lovely French bakery, in the lobby of Vancouver Centre II. I decided to try the vegetarian Tomato and Mozzarella sandwich.

Tomato and Mozzarella Baguette Sandwich from PAUL Le Café

The baguette was fantastic – crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, filled with juicy tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, crisp lettuce, and a fragrant basil pesto. It was a light, delicious lunch that felt like a taste of Paris.

Canelé from PAUL Le Café

To finish off, I tried a canelé for the first time. This small pastry had a thick, caramelized crust and a soft, custard-like center. It was sweet, rich, and incredibly satisfying – a perfect end to my French-inspired lunch.

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