Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fried Pork Chop with Rice from RedBeef Noodle Kitchen

I'm going to Australia and will be flying out on Friday. I have a couple of restaurants in my head that I need to enjoy before my trip. The main one is Suika but they are temporarily closed due to damage from what I can guess is a fire.

The second one is RedBeef for my favourite Taiwanese-style popcorn chicken and chicken cutlet. I'm satisfied.

Chicken Cutlet Rice from RedBeef Noodle Kitchen 

Salt & Pepper Popcorn Chicken from RedBeef Noodle Kitchen 

Hubby tried the surprisingly equally delicious fried pork chop with rice.

Fried Pork Chop with Rice from RedBeef Noodle Kitchen 

Do you have a restaurant that gives you your ultimate comfort food? The one restaurant that allows you to forget everything else happening i your life even for just an hour to truly enjoy and appreciate food?

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